What is Polynomial | Various kinds of Polynomials


A symbol having a fixed numerical value is called a constant
Examples: 3, -6, 5/6, 0.23, π, etc. are all constants.


A symbol which may be assigned different numerical values us known as a variable.
Example: We know that the area of a circle is given by the formula A = πr2, where r is the radius of the circle.
Here, π is constant, while A and r are variables.

Algebraic Expression

A combination of constants and variables, connected by some or all of the operations +, , ×, and ÷ is known an algebraic expression.
Examples: x +2, x2+y2, x – 1/x, etc.

Terms of an Algebraic Expression

The several parts of an algebraic expression separated by + or – operations are called the terms of the expression.
(i). 3 + 4x – 7xy2 + 9xy is an algebraic expression containing four terms, namely, 3, 4x, 7xy2 and 9xy    
(ii). X3 + 3x2y – 5xy2 + y3 – 6 is an algebraic expression containing five terms, namely, X3, 3x2y, 5xy2, y3 and 6.


An algebraic expression in which the variables involved have only non-negative integral powers is called a polynomial.
(i). x3 + 5x2 - 2x + 3 is a polynomial in one variable x.
(ii). 2p4 + 5p3 – 2p2 + p – 5 is a polynomial in one variable y.
(iii). 3 + x – x3/2 + 2x3 is an expression but not a polynomial since it contains a term containing x3/2, where 3/2 is not a non-negative integer.

Degree of Polynomial in one variable

In case of a polynomial in one variable, the highest power of the variable is called the degree of the polynomial.
(i). 3x – 4 is a polynomial in x of degree 1.
(ii). 2m2 + 6m – 5 is a polynomial in m of degree 2.

Degree of a Polynomial in two or more variables

In case of polynomials in more than one variable, the sum of the powers of the variables in each term is taken up and the highest sum so obtained is called the degree of the polynomial.
(i). 2x3 + 3x3y – 4xy + 3x – 5 is a polynomial in x and y of degree 4.
(ii). 3m4n2 + 2m2n2 – 5m + 4n – 2 is a polynomial in m and n of degree 6

Various Type of Polynomials

1.       Polynomials of Various Degrees

(i). linear polynomial 

A polynomial of degree 1 is called a linear polynomial.
Examples: (a). 2x – 5 is a linear polynomial in x.
                   (b). 3p + 4 is a linear polynomial in p.
                   (c). x + 2y +5 is a linear polynomial in a x and y.

(ii). Quadratic Polynomial

A polynomial of degree 2 is called a quadratic polynomial.
Examples: (a). x+ 5x – 2 is a quadratic polynomial in x.
                   (b). 2z2 – 3z + 2 is a quadratic polynomial in z.
                   (c). ab + bc + ca is a quadratic polynomial in a, b and c.

(iii). Cubic Polynomial

 A polynomial of degree 3 is called a cubic polynomial.
 Examples: (a).  2x3 + 3x2 – 5x + 2 is cubic polynomial in x.
                    (b). x2y  – 2xy + 3 is cubic polynomial in x and y.

(iv). Biquadratic Polynomial

 A polynomial of degree 4 is called a biquadratic polynomial.
(a). x4 + 3x3 – 6x2 + 5x + 2 is biquadratic polynomial in x. 
(b). x3y + xy2 + 2xy – 5 is biquadratic polynomial in x and y.

2. Number of terms in a Polynomial:

        (i). Monomial 

A polynomial containing one nonzero term is called a monomial.
  Examples: 2, 3x, xy2, 5x3y etc.

                (ii). Binomial

A polynomial containing two nonzero terms is called a binomial.
  Examples: (5x + 3), (x2 + y2), (x – 3y) etc.

                (iii). Trinomial

A polynomial containing three nonzero term is called a trinomial.
  Examples: (x+ 3x +2), (3y – 2xy + 3xy2) etc.

Constant polynomial

A polynomial containing one nonzero term, consisting of a constant is called a constant polynomial. The degree of nonzero of constant polynomial is zero.
Examples: 2, - 4, 2/3 etc.

Zero Polynomial

A polynomial containing one term, namely zero only, is called a zero polynomial. The degree of a zero polynomial is not defined.



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